Data and Privacy Policy

Thank you for choosing Spacesium Pty Ltd. We value your privacy and all of your personal information and we recognise that you have the rights to protect your data and it is completely secured.

Personal data will be gathered when engaging in Spacesium products and services; thus, we want to be as transparent as possible to ensure what we capture and what we do with the data about you. This Data and Privacy Policy describes the information we collect about you, the “user” when you use our products, services and communication with Spacesium.

Spacesium (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (the “Act”) and other applicable laws and, in addition, to strictly manage the personal information to be collected by the Company from the user, the Company makes best efforts to maintain and process personal information in an appropriate manner according to this Spacesium Data and Privacy Policy (the “Data and Privacy Policy”) as described below.

  • Collection of Personal Information
  • Method of data capture
  • Accessibility of data capture
  • Data rights
  • International Personal Data Transfer
  • Cloud Based Services
  • Change of Data Policy
  • Disclosure, correction and cessation of us of personal information
  • Contact Us

1. Collection of Personal Information

We collect personal information when you provide the information on our website or when using the services, we provide to you.

A. Personal information you provide to us

  • Registration information when signing up. When using the services provided by Spacesium, we collect your user’s name, address, email address and phone number and any other information you choose to include in your account.
  • Payment Details. Registration for our paid services required us to collect your name and contact information, as well as your payment details. Including information such as your payment card information or bank account details. Data of your payment details are not stored on our system, and we rely on our third-party payment processor to securely process payments.
  • User Assets. When you engage with our services and upload imagery, data, sensor data, geographic data, we collect your information about the data, and you choose to share the data with us.
  • Marketing Information. When you are engaging with our services, we may use your personal data to notify you of upcoming news.
  • Communications. If you contact us directly, register in paid services or subscribe to our mailing lists. We will collect certain information to learn how to deliver you better services.
  • Usage Information. Upon the engagement with support services, we will process personal data in such a way that we may need it for better services to you.
  • Images and Data. Devices may operate and contain metadata. We will automatically collect this information about the position, currency, location, density, colours, intensity, boundaries, coordinate systems, sensor data, telemetry data, GPS times, logs where necessary. When you operate the hardware devices, we will also collect this data.

B. Cookies Data Collection

  • System Cookies. Cookies such as functional and analytics cookies are strictly essential to make our services available to you. We use these cookies for the purpose to operate, maintain, and improve our services to you the user. We may use the cookies in third party services to gain analytics on the services we provide. For example, we may engage in Google Analytics and HubSpot to collect and process the data on our behalf.
  • Advertising Cookies. Cookies may be used in third party services to help us understand the correct advertising procedures we need to employ. The cookies are used to make sure we provide you the user the most relevant and UpToDate information.

2. The Use of Personal Information

  • Providing the Services. We use personal information to ensure we provide the best possible service to you as the user. For example, we will give you the device information to make sure we build the best possible algorithms to process the data.
  • Support. Diagnosing and resolving issues is very complex. We may use personal data to provide the best possible outcome for technical and sales support.
  • Communication. We may use your personal information to ask you to provide feedback, marketing and surveys. Our goal is to provide you a standard delivery method where we can provide the best possible service to you as the user.
  • Marketing. We value you as a user so we may use your personal information to deliver you the most appropriate and relevant information as possible. We do develop promotional material and advertisements that may benefit you as a user.
  • Other Purposes. There are cases where we may need to use your personal data for other purposes. We will provide specific notice when required.

3. Legal Grounds for Processing

We will not disclose personal information to any third party, except for the cases as described below:

  • Cases where the Company obtained prior consent from the user.
  • Cases as permitted by the Act or other applicable laws; or
  • Cases where the Company partly outsources its operation to third party to develop or produce the Company’s services

4. Accessibility of data capture

We will endeavour to maintain or process personal information in an appropriate manner. Spacesium will also maintain organizational, technical and administrative measures to protect Personal Data within our organisation and against unauthorised access, destruction, loss and misuse of the data. will protect personal information by strict safeguards against accidental loss, accidental use, modification, or unauthorized access.

SSL security

  • To prevent a third party from reading or falsifying important user information, the page related to the user’s personal information is protected by SSL.

User information

  • User information is kept in a way only the owner of the user information can see it through user authentication.

Data Files

  • The files also the user provided will be kept securely in the systems storage device and can only be accessible for the user through download. Other users are not able to download such files. We will store your data until such time you wish to notify us to destroy your data. All data will be retained until we receive email consent to specify the removal of the data.

5. International Personal Data Transfer

We are a global company. Personal Data may be stored or processed in any country where we have operations and where we engage in service providers. Personal Data may be transferred from its origins from where it was originally intended. These rules may have data protection rules that may differ from your country. We do take in considerations of data security to ensure the data is protected and abides data standards. There are cases where courts, law enforcement agencies, and security agencies are entitled to your data.

6. Cloud based services

We may outsource, partially or entirely, the processing of the personal information to third parties (in cases where it outsources the management of the personal information to operators). In such a case, the Company will contract an agreement as appropriate, such as NDA, and supervise appropriately in order to secure the protection of the personal information within the outsourced third party.

7. Change of Data Policy

We may, from time to time, change the Privacy Policy as appropriate, by considering the operational requirements and complying with the applicable laws. The revised Privacy Policy will be published on the Company’s website or be notified in any other reasonable way. However, in the case where such revision requires a prior consent from the user, the Company shall obtain such consent as appropriate, in a method which the Company separately stipulates.

8. Disclosure, correction and cessation of us of personal information

When the user requests (based on the Act) for disclosure, correction, or cessation of use of the personal information, the Company will respond without delay within a reasonable period. However, the Company may not be able to respond to such a request, in the case where the Company must comply with the Act and other applicable laws. In the case of disclosure, the Company will charge the user a certain fee ($1,000 USD per a record).