Beyond Aerial Shots - Understanding Drone Photogrammetry

March 5, 2024

authorHong Tran4 min read



Drone surveys have been revolutionizing the way we capture and analyze physical assets. While the sensors such as photogrammetry are visually nice to look at, the real power is the ability to generate these into 3D models and orthomosaics. This is done through photogrammetric techniques and this guide will help introduce you to the world of drone photogrammetry. Let's dive into this! 

Understanding Photogrammetry


Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs. It involves capturing overlapping images of a subject from different angles to create a detailed 3D model. Key principles include triangulation, where multiple images of a single point are used to calculate its position in 3D space, and image matching, where software identifies corresponding points in different images.





Benefits of Drone Photogrammetry

Accuracy: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can capture detailed imagery, leading to precise 3D models and maps. 

Efficiency: Drones can cover large areas quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and cost of data collection compared to traditional surveying methods.

Accessibility: With advancements in technology, drones are becoming more affordable and easier to operate, making photogrammetry accessible to a wider range of industries and applications.




Planning: Define your project goals, select appropriate drone hardware and software, and plan the flight path to ensure optimal coverage and overlap.

Acquisition: Fly the drone according to the planned path, capturing overlapping images of the target area. Pay attention to factors such as altitude, speed, and lighting conditions.

Processing: Use photogrammetry software to process the captured images, align them, and generate a point cloud, mesh, or textured model.

Analysis: Once the 3D model is generated, analyze and extract valuable insights such as volumetric measurements, terrain analysis, or asset monitoring.




Surveying and Mapping: Create high-resolution maps for land surveying, urban planning, and environmental monitoring.

Construction and Infrastructure: Monitor construction progress, detect site changes, and plan infrastructure projects with detailed 3D models.

Agriculture: Assess crop health, monitor growth patterns, and optimize field management practices using aerial imagery.

Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Document and preserve archaeological sites, heritage buildings, and cultural landscapes with detailed 3D reconstructions.


Best Practices

Ensure regulatory compliance and obtain necessary permits before conducting drone flights, especially in restricted airspace or sensitive areas.

Calibrate your drone and camera settings to optimize image quality and accuracy.

Maintain consistent overlap and altitude during flight to ensure sufficient image coverage and quality.

Validate and refine your photogrammetric results through ground truthing and quality control measures.


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Finishing up


We have been in the drone industry for over a decade now and even longer in the GIS spatial industry. It has been proven that drone photogrammetry is a powerful tool for capturing, analyzing and visualizing geospatial data... this all comes with both accuracy and efficiency. By the understanding of the key principles in this guide, you can really understand the basic principles of drone technology to unlock the new possibilities if different industries. Stay tuned as we will dive even deeper in the mathematics behind the software!